Branding is the most effective way to establish the relevant differentiation needed to separate your market offereing from the rest of the pack. A successfull brand will break through the clutter and noise of the marketplace to become your most valuable asset. Building a breakthrough brand means creating a personality — a memorable combination of words, imagery, colors, and textures that visually communicate the spirit of your company.

Positioning is the way in which a company or brand strategically portrays itself to its target audience. Positioning statements are concise summaries of this portrait. Creating an effective positioning statement is the first step in creating an effective brand. The statement will differentiate the brand from its competition, communicate a distinct value proposition and lay the foundation for establishing an emotional bond between the brand and its target audience.

Naming systems are a critical component of any effective brand development. Our name generation process combines controlled creativity with strategic thinking.

Graphic Identitification is at the core of every successful branding program. A graphic identity system will provide a concise visual summation of the brand's personality and character. Properly managed, the system will ensure the consistent expression of the brand through all forms of marketing.

Marketing Communications build brand awareness. From traditionally produced printed literature systems, product catalogs and consumer packages, to internet sites and multimedia, all communications — no matter what the media or dimension — must visually and emotionally reinforce the brand.